The Daughter of Light

Wake up, O daughter of light. The blue and yellow sky embraced my Heart’s tree. The branches caressed my face and said, ‘it is time to wake up.’ As I was turning, the branches were facing me

Out of the darkness, I walked out of the station. There I found the light spreading its wings on every somnolent Summer leave. Then I heard voices that reverberated inside a trapped cage.

‘Your loss is my finding. Your despair is not everlasting. Remember and contemplate. Don’t give up, for those shadows will soon wave you good-bye.  This pain is real. This pain will soon disappear for He is looking out for you. Remember, contemplate and you will find me. There is no single meaning. Meaninglessness is the echo of failure. Follow the wings of your broken Heart and remember to dance between their lines. Dance on those joyful branches and it will become clear that within letters there are hidden worlds. Make the impossible dream. Fly and reach out for the blue and yellow sky.  Wake up and open your arms, salvation is never that far. When the heart is bleeding you will be tracing a smile on the mountains’ back and showing the world that suffering is for the weak. There are no ghosts, hidden djinn or folktales. There is only Presence in the unknown hours of dusk. Contemplate and seek a loving embrace. The devil’s army has spread the word about a God of hatred and wrath. Remember, remember, there has always been Love.  It is the first word and the last breath. There will always be beloved souls that will laugh whenever the devil’s army passes by.  The seeds are a hidden treasure and you are beginning to discover their mysterious power.  Start from the beginning until you reach yourself. That is when you can draw a beautiful circle with the compass of divine light. When you find Me, you will find your/Self.  We were never apart, you just forgot that we were together since you were born. Where were you before you took refuge in the womb? You were never lost. You were always with Me.  Plant each seed you feed and watch the ripple effect of a tree that will be born inside your Heart.  You have to keep our secret inside you until the seeds grow, until you begin to perceive each branch emerging out of darkness. At times you will get distracted for there are external voices that want you to forget, to give up and to fail.  Running away is your worst enemy. The ticking sound of the clock makes you believe that you are chasing an impossible tomorrow. Take the time to sit, breathe and let go. Listen to your Heart. It will be silent at first. Observe its silence and you will soon realise that its secret voices needed to be heard. This very silence hides its mysterious signs. As you begin to dissect each sign, silences will unfold and open doors to a land where you unleash your inner strength. Let go of fear. Bathe in wujud. Listen and witness the beauty of hidden treasures that were waiting for you to unlock its doors.’

© Rim Feriani

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